Development of custom-made orthodontic prostheses with the aid of computed tomography and magnetic resonance imaging techniques




orthodontics, prosthetics, prototyping, computed tomography, magnetic resonance imaging


The continuous development of techniques and new technologies are constantly applied in orthodontics, aiming to optimize and personalize treatments. The customization of orthodontic prostheses directly affects the quality of life, offering a more functional and adjustable prosthesis to the patient's body, in addition to reducing anesthetic and surgical time, as well as promoting a lower risk of postoperative infections. In this context, the present study proposes the integrated use of computed tomography (CT) and magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) techniques for the development of custom-made orthodontic prostheses. We carried out a narrative review of the literature to compile articles that deal with the topic. We verified that the entire prototyping and printing process is possible with the help of images obtained through CT and MRI. Rapid prototyping can involve computed tomography (CT) and/or magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) images, creating three-dimensional (3D) models. This prototyping can be useful in educational environments such as surgical procedures. The prototype is intended to serve as a test before its manufacture, it is a virtual experiment that tries to imitate a real model. It is believed that with the evolution of some software it will be possible to combine data from MRI, CT and angiography (a method of performing an x-ray examination of blood vessels) so that it can be reproduced in a single model: bone tissue, soft tissue and blood vessels.


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How to Cite

Nobeschi, L., Lodi, F. R., Goto, R. E., & Capeleti, F. F. (2024). Development of custom-made orthodontic prostheses with the aid of computed tomography and magnetic resonance imaging techniques. Rev.Cient. Cleber Leite, 1(1), E0102024 – 1.